2016 義大利風格-鄉村經典 COUNTRY CLASS
7 years ago
【流行趨勢 Megatrend】
遠離塵囂,來到家族的鄉間莊園,度過一個放鬆且獨享的週末:帶著狗兒在林間漫步;玫瑰花園、冬季花園、閱讀室充滿著書香與煙草的氣息。火爐旁靜置著復古英式釘扣沙發(Chesterfield sofas),空氣中飄揚著手工餅乾出爐的香氣。那便是鄉村經典風格的真髓。今日的鄉間已成為奢華的新疆土:它為我們與我們的歷史根源二者間創造了真實的連繫。因此,為了實現人們對於深奧微妙的真確性(authenticity)所存在的渴望,許多五星級農場假期在全球各地方興起:如英國牛津郡的鄉村俱樂部Soho Farm House、鄰近紐約市的農場Locust on Hudson以及義大利托斯卡尼的莉娜別墅酒店Villa Lena,是代表大自然完美無瑕與極致優雅的安逸閒適兩相交融的絕佳所在。
An escape from town for an exclusive and relaxing weekend in the family's country estate: a walk in the woods with the dogs, the rose garden, the winter garden, the reading room smelling of books and tobacco, Chesterfield sofas by the fireplace and the smell of homemade cookies in the air. That's the essence of country class. The countryside has become the new frontier of luxury: elitist enough, it sets a genuine contact between us and our historical roots. So, many five star farm holidays are available in the word in order to fulfill the desire for sophisticated authenticity: the Soho Farm House in the Oxfordshire, the Locust on Hudson near NYC and Villa Lena in Tuscany are exceptional places where nature's perfection meets the most elegant comfort.
【流行時尚 Fashion】
偏愛鄉村經典風格的女性要求高標準,也極富於柔媚氣質,她只選擇以永恆的鄉村基調為特色的珍貴織物所製成的高品味長青款服飾。皮革、喀什米爾羊毛、粗花呢(tweed)及氈縮羊毛(boiled wood)、蘇格蘭格紋布(tartan)及絲綢、剪毛布(shearing)及絲絨:每一款布料在製造時都帶有一股陽剛的定製調性,可為背心、領帶及稚氣的褲款增添風采。羊毛披肩與皮草外套、絲質罩衫搭配麻花編織毛衣,一條環繞頸部的軟綢領巾: 在輕軟與厚重的布料輪番運用之下,盡顯出一份將傳統推向現代化的趨勢經典。
The Country Class accessories are comfortable and vaguely sporty, always made of the most exquisite leather and wool. What makes them successful is their precious simplicity. The Burlington socks reappear and are perfect with high-heeled sandals. Boots go back to the classic shape ideal for riding or walking in the woods. In the streets, the fashion addicted that sport this trend wear heavy tartan or man-style coats on sexy feminine silhouettes. Wide-brim hats and capes are fundamental to define the look of the most influential fashion trendsetters.
【配件 Accessories】
The Country Class woman is demanding and hyper feminine, she only chooses tasteful and evergreen outfits made of those precious fabrics that have characterized the countryside chic forever. Leather, cashemere, tweed and boiled wood, tartan and silk, shearling and velvet: every material is manufactured with a male tailoring accent that compliments a vest, tie and boyish pants. Wool capes and fur coats, silk blouses with cable-knit sweaters, a foulard around the neck: In the succession of light and heavy pieces of cloth, there is all the class of a trend that makes tradition contemporary.
【髮色及彩妝Hair & Make up】
Italian Style Framesi interprets the Country Class trend with sober elegance. Short hair is smooth with soft perimeters, while long proposals love movement and full volume. The updo is perfect for night and day as well. The male cut is dedicated to a modern gentleman. As far as color is concerned, the choice is almost inevitably for natural shades of blond, chestnut and copper.
The Country Class make up evokes the warm shades of the Northern Countries – such as orange and peach – that suit a fresh and natural beauty. Foundation and blush re-create that kind of light redness the sun leaves on delicate skin. Eyes and mouth are also enhanced by pink-orange eyeshadows and nude lip stylo.
【髮型時尚指標 Hair icon】
圓球狀髮型輪廓及帽舌形瀏海—鄉村經典風這款標誌性的髮型提案令人聯想到騎馬帽,並引領我們瞬間進入這股趨勢的氛圍中,感受精緻優雅與絕對渾然天成的大自然二者和諧並存的完美境界。 在這款Framesi義大利風格髮式系列本季代表作中,利用髮色變化來強調長瀏海,並採用髮鬢的設計來達到削尖臉龐的效果。造型設計是賦予髮絲獨特輪廓的必備要素。
The round volume and the visor-shaped fringe of the Country Class iconic proposal reminds us of a riding hat and leads us immediately into the mood of the trend, where the most refined elegance lives in perfect harmony with the most spontaneous nature. In this cut, that symbolizes the Italian Style Framesi collection, color underlines the long bang and the sideburns sharpen the face. Styling is fundamental to give hair its particular silhouette.